Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Quick Tip Tuesday! - Ginger!


If you suffer from motion sickness in a car or train or maybe even a plane, eat powdered ginger about 30 minutes before you head off on your trip and say bye-bye to your motion sickness!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Witty Wednesday - Useful Lemons!

Useful things to do with lemons

·      Treat acneRub half a lemon on a clean, pimply face. Leave the juice for at least 20 minutes. (Avoid the sun for a few hours, as lemons can exacerbate sun sensitivity.)

·      Quickly clean a microwave. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and put it in a 1 cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl. Run the microwave for 5 minutes. The lemon juice steam majorly cuts down on wiping-off time.

·      Whiten clothes and fabrics. As you’re filling your washing machine with water, dump 3 Tbsp juice in and let it do its job.

·      Soothe sunburns. Rub half a lemon (or even the cut side of a juiced lemon) over achy burned spots. Soothes on contact!

·      Scrub stuck-on food. Pour a little salt on half a lemon and go to down on the crusties left over from cooking. This was especially helpful on the glass pan full of baked spaghetti I left in the oven for far too long.

·      Banish greasy hair. After conditioning your hair, use 2 Tbsp. and 3 cups water as a final rinse. Beautiful, darling!

·      Freshen musty areasRemove the meat from half a lemon slice and fill with salt. Stick it in stink-prone areas.

·      Freshen the whole house. Toss some lemon peels in a pot of water and let it boil gently until the water’s gone. The whole house is now lemony fresh.

·      Wash your face. Add lemon juice to two slices of cut cucumber and wash your face with it. Soothes, clarifies, and brightens skin.

·      Whiten and brighten fingernails. Either juice half a lemon in a small bowl of water and soak your fingernails in that for 10 minutes, or just put your fingernails directly into a juiced lemon and let them sit for a while. Finish with a vinegar rinse, and your fingernails are stronger and brighter!

·      Sanitize a cutting board. Run half a juiced lemon over your cutting board/chopping block after you’ve washed it. Not only will this sanitize, but it’ll help fade stains.

·      Whiten discolored elbows, heels, and knees. Just rub half a juiced lemon over the spotty areas and watch them disappear.

·      Add highlights to hair. Who didn’t try this as a kid? But it works! Select small chunks of hair to highlight and rub lemon juice on them. Stay out in the sun for a couple of hours. Beach bunny, that’s what you are.

·      Quickly clean stuck cheese off a grater. I used to spend many eye-rolling minutes trying to get mushed in cheese off the grater. Not anymore. Just rub half a juiced lemon over the stuck-on spots, and they quickly unstick and clean.

·      Lighten age spots. Wherever you have darkened spots of telltale aging, dab a little lemon juice for a couple of days in a row. Lightened. Vanishing. Done.

·      Get rid of dragon breath. Squish a little lemon juice in a small bit of water and swish it around in your mouth for a few seconds. Swallow for extra freshening, for aid in digestion, and for a nice jolt of vitamin C!

sourced from - http://www.crunchybetty.com/19-handy-things-to-do-with-a-little-leftover-lemon

Monday, December 9, 2013

Milu Mondays - Our famous Chicken Rissios

Chicken Rissois


1kg Chicken Breast
2 onions(peeled and grated)
100g butter or margarine
3g Crushed dried chili (optional)
3g Paprika
15g Chopped Flat Leaf Parsley
30g Cake Flour
5g Salt


15ml Cooking Oil
100g Butter or Margarine
5g Salt
750g Cake Flour
1lt Water

For Frying:

6 Extra Large eggs (beaten)
600g Dried Breadcrumbs
2lt Cooking Oil


  1. Wash the chicken and place them in boiling salted water for about 5 minutes.
  2. Chop into bite-sized pieces.
  3. Saute the onions in the butter or margarine in a pan. Add the chopped chicken, chillies, paprika and parsley.
  4. Simmer for about 10 minutes.
  5. Gradually add enough water to cover the ingredients. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Add the flour diluted in 50ml water and mix into the other ingredients. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Taste and add salt and extra chili as desired.
  7. To make the dough - place the oil in with the margarine and salt in a pot.
  8. Bring to the boil, then add the flour and mix well with a wooden spoon until the dough pills away from the bottom and the sides of the pot.
  9. Remove the dough from the saucepan, allow to cool slightly and knead by hand until smooth.
  10. Sprinkle some flour on a large flat surface. Take a handful of the dough at a time and, using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into long rectangular shapes (40cm x 17 cm)
  11. Place 45ml (3tbsp) of the chicken mixture into the middle of the dough, each tablespoon approximately 10cm apart (3 chicken cakes per rectangle), fold the dough in half, lengthways and cut the pastry, using a glass, into rectangular shapes around the filling.
  12. Repeat the process until all the ingredients are used.
  13. Preheat the oil in a large frying pan, about 10cm deep, as hot as possible.
  14. Place the beaten eggs in one dish and the breadcrumbs in another dish.
  15. Take each rissole and dip it into the egg mixture and then into the breadcrumbs (each rissole must be entirely covered with breadcrumbs)
  16. Fry the rissoles in the oil. Turn them frequently.
  17. Fry until golden brown.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Quiz Friday! - Food Personality Quiz

“In early 2013, scientists and scholars from the Institute Marron Glacé gathered in Montmarte to discuss the creation of a food personally quiz that would help define four different types of food personalities. Sadly, after a bad case of the Norovirus wiped out nearly half the attendees, the other half grew disenchanted with their chosen profession and applied to dental school en mass. Only three graduated, the other two became dental hygienists. The point is that the quiz they had been developing never saw the light of day until one of those dental hygienists e-mailed me recently and asked if I’d like to post the quiz on my website. I said I would. She tried to charge me several hundred dollars; I balked. She agreed to let me use it if I would pay for a teeth whitening. My appointment is scheduled for next Tuesday; in the meantime, here’s the quiz. Hopefully you will find it enlightening.” - http://www.amateurgourmet.com/

As translated by Maurice Chevalier from the original text by Le Institute Marron Glacé

1. Growing up, when you would have a birthday party, the most important food element was always the:
A. Cake
B. Pizza
C. Caviar
D. Kimchi miso pots de crème

2. The most unusual item in your refrigerator is:
A. Strawberry-flavored milk
B. Smoked gouda
C. White truffles from Alba
D. Head cheese that you made yourself from a goat you slaughtered illegally

3. Your food hero is:
A. Rachael Ray
B. Mario Batali
C. Thomas Keller
D. Someone so important, no one knows who they are yet

4. At the movies, you like to snack on:
A. Popcorn
B. Peanut M&Ms
C. Macarons imported from Ladurée in France
D. Insects foraged by René Redzepi

5. When eating fish, your preferred beverage is:
A. Beer
B. A glass of Chardonnay
C. A floral Tramin Gewürztraminer from the Alto Adige region of Italy
D. Grape musk air imbibed through a gas mask

6. If you could only eat in one food city for the rest of your life, it would be:
A. New York
B. Paris
C. Hong Kong
D. The moon

7. The most important element of a dish is the:
A. Flavor
B. Presentation
C. Provenance of ingredients
D. Dishes are so 2012…who even uses the word “dish” anymore?

8. Your favorite dish that mom made at home was:
A. Tuna casserole
B. Lasagna
C. Chateaubriand with Bearnaise Sauce and Chateau Potatoes
D. I rejected mother’s food from the moment she weaned me

9. My guilty food pleasure is:
A. Ice cream from the carton
B. Raw cookie dough
C. Pickled watermelon rind from Artisanal picklers in Williamsburg
D. Fetal pig chorizo

10. My last meal would be:
A. Burger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake
B. Fried chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes
C. Alain Passard’s hot cold egg custard, Ferran Adria’s spherical olives and Thomas Keller’s Oysters and Pearls (that’s just Part One…how much time do you have?)
D. Desiccated ramp foam


If you answered mostly A, you are a CASUAL FOODIE who enjoys Food Network competition shows, dining at The Cheesecake Factory, and bubble baths scented with products from Bath & Body works. Your middle name is Fern.

If you answered mostly B, you are a DENTAL HYGIENIST and live in Pasadena. You drive a Honda and your middle name, strangely enough, is also Fern.

If you answered mostly C, you are a SPOILED FOODIE. You have never known a hard day’s work and your friends and family resent you. Consider volunteering for a day, it’ll do you some good. Your middle name is Juan Carlos.

If you answered mostly D, you are an ELITIST FOODIE. You think you’re better than everyone else and chances are you’re not even reading this because you don’t read food blogs. That fetal pig chorizo really creeps everyone out. Your middle name, strangely enough, is also Juan Carlos.